Traditional Jewish practice in an egalitarian Jewish setting.

Our Vision of Congregation Ahavas Israel is to create connections between individuals in our Jewish community through religious, educational, and social programs that attract participation of all our members.

Our Mission is to create a welcoming, inclusive, and engaging sacred community, helping individuals follow their spiritual paths using traditional Jewish practices.

The Core Values of Congregation Ahavas Israel are:

Be a caring, connected community. Be a community of Jews engaged in becoming more fully Jewish, embarking on a lifetime journey of Jewish discovery.

Interfaith families welcome. LGBT-friendly.


New Siddurim

The Sim Shalom siddurim that we have been using in the Sanctuary have served us well for about 40 years. About 12 years ago, we transitioned in the chapel to newer and lighter editions of Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals and Sim Shalom for Weekdays. We’ve been able to acquire 150 additional used copies … Read more

The Festival of Shavuot

The Festival of Shavuot
Tuesday June 11, 6:15 p.m.
Congregation Ahavas Israel

Please join Ahavas Israel and Temple Emanuel as we come together for dinner (lasagna and salad, with a vegan option), and a Tikkun Leil Shavuot series of study sessions let by Rabbi Krishef, Rabbi Schadick, and Cantor Fair.

Counting the Omer

On the second night of Pesah, at the second Seder, we begin counting the days towards Shavuot and the revelation of Torah at Mount Sinai, a practice known as “counting the omer.” We invite you to save or print out this Omer Counting Calendar to remind you of which day to count each night and to note … Read more
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Ahavas Israel is an Energy Star certified building, one of only 100 religious institutions in the country to have been so rated.

Congregation Ahavas Israel is an Energy Star certified building,
one of only 100 religious institutions in the country to have been so rated.