About 35 years ago, Rabbi Phillip Sigal proposed a library endowment fund. While his specific proposal didn’t garner as many gifts as he envisioned, a single $10,000 gift, along with additional small donations over the years, has grown manyfold. The original gift came with a provision for modifying the use of the money as needs changed. The fund, now known as the Jacob and Fannie Wapner Library, Information, and Technology Endowment fund, is used for any and all synagogue related technology needs, such as equipment, internet connectivity and communication, along with the purchase of resources of any kind or any topic appropriate to a synagogue library.
Delving Into Our History, The Gen and Jack Finkelstein Archives
With the help of Peg Finkelstein from the Temple Emanuel Archives, significant progress has been made on Ahavas Israel’s Gen and Jack Finkelstein Archives, generously funded by Mort and Peg Finkelstein and Raleigh Finkelstein in memory of their parents. Contributions to the Gen and Jack Archive Fund provide continued support. Are you interested in working on the archives? Contact Rabbi Krishef, who will put you in touch with Megan Yost (Peg’s daughter), for training.