Weekly Shabbat Service times:
Shabbat mornings, 9:30 a.m.
We broadcast our services on our Boxcast, Periscope, and Youtube channels. We send direct links in the weekly eVoice.
- Boxcast channel: https://boxcast.tv/channel/o8qlfhegb7y2ydx9u1ck
- Youtube live channel (Search for Congregation Ahavas Israel, Grand Rapids, MI and look under channel content, live): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHABW_jZIagf697Tk30C9A/videos
- Twitter: follow @ahavasisraelgr
Weekday Services – Nurture your daily spiritual life through prayer
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays, 8:00 a.m., by Zoom:
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/280892158
- Meeting ID: 280 892 158
- We invite you to engage in 20-25 minutes of morning prayer online. We don’t count a minyan, but we do offer a place to prayer with others before beginning your day.
Thursdays, 7:15 a.m., in person (in the chapel)
We invite you to participate in our services:
- Be an Usher. Download a copy of the Usher Guide here.
- Be a Gabbai. This requires a bit of Hebrew fluency. Download a copy of the Gabbai instructions here.
- Read Torah. We’d love for you to take an aliyah as often as you wish. You may sign up on our Torah reading schedule, which can be found online here.
- Lead services. We’d love to hear you doven! Contact Rabbi Krishef to be put on the schedule.
- Come regularly. Our services are traditional, with a great deal of chanting and singing in Hebrew. We want you to be comfortable and participate. To that end, we have published a Guide to our services, called “Tefillah Tidbits,“ available online here, or available in a downloadable Booklet here or a Fullsize version here.
Ahavas Israel prepared a three CD set by Cantor Stuart Rapaport entitled Shabbat@Ahavas Israel, containing all of the Shabbat evening and morning prayers including all those described in this booklet. Mp3 files from any part of the service are available by request. Contact Rabbi Krishef for more information at Rabbi@AhavasIsraelGR.org or 616-949-2840.
As you listen to Cantor Stuart Rapaport, follow along in your Siddur Sim Shalom or read the booklet notes on the Shabbat prayers. PDF files of the CD booklets can be downloaded using the following links: Volume #1 and #2 Booklet and Volume #3 Booklet.
Volume 1 – Shaharit for Shabbat
Birkhot Hashahar (Morning Blessings)
Pesukei D’Zimra (Verses of Praise)
Shaharit service
Shema and its blessings
Volume 2 – Torah Service/Musaf for Shabbat
Torah Service
Musaf Service
Conclusion to the Shabbat Morning Service
Volume 3 – Friday evening and Home Shabbat prayers
Kabbalat Shabbat (Welcoming of Shabbat)
Ma’ariv – Shabbat evening service:
- Home Shabbat prayers
- Candle blessings
- Shalom Aleikhem
- Children’s blessings
- Kiddush for Shabbat evening
- Netilat Yadayim/Hamotzi
- Birkat Hamazon (Grace after meals)
- Kiddush for Shabbat lunch
- Havdalah
Sample tracks from Shabbat @ Ahavas Israel: