Study Groups and Classes

Siddur, (Prayerbook), Hebrew l: Barely Looked at Hebrew Since your Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Or Never?: No Problem! Dive in!


An Online Course with Joseph L. Korn

Eight Tuesdays:  February 11, 18, 25; March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1

4:00-5:30 p.m. ET

REGISTER NOW – Joe can be reached at

Hebrew is a huge part of our Jewish identity, both historically in the modern world. Would you like to be able to follow along and understand Shabbat  prayer services without the need of a translation? In these eight live online sessions we will cover the absolutely essential building blocks to help you get started.

We will take a scholarly approach in learning the Hebrew alphabet and vowels making use of extensive class exercises to the point where you will be able to read simple words aloud and translate some of the most common words and phrases. Instructor will supply all necessary materials. Each session will consist of an instructor-led lesson and ample time for group practice.

This course is one of four levels which will be offered.

If you are not sure whether this course is right for you or if you have additional questions, make an appointment with Joseph Korn.

Cost: $25.00 to those who are not members of Ahavas Israel.

*Finances should never be an impediment to Jewish learning. If the registration fee for this program presents a financial barrier to your participation, please contact Rabbi Krishef.

Prerequisite: None

Option 2 –

Siddur (Prayerbook) Hebrew ll: Hook Up Your Jumper Cables and Charge Up.

An Online Course with Joseph L. Korn

Ten Mondays: February 10, 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7,14

4-5:30 p.m. ET

REGISTER NOW – Joe can be reached at

In these ten live online sessions we will begin a scholarly study of essential parts of grammar for reading and understanding the Siddur, (as well as the Tanach and conversational Hebrew). We will also begin learning some of the verbal forms in the Qal stem, (binyan). We will look at selected portions of the Siddur, exploring them grammatically based on the material we are covering. Participants will be encouraged to complete exercises for each class. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with participles, (present tense), of Hebrew Qal verbs.

Required book: Prayerbook Hebrew, The Easy Way, Anderson, Motzkin, Rubinstein, Wiseman; Third Edition

This course is one of four levels which will be offered.

Prerequisite: Completion of Siddur Hebrew l. If you have not completed this course but believe you have the equivalent background, please schedule a conversation with the instructor prior to registering. This course is appropriate “for students who can read Hebrew words but do not know what they mean. Students who cannot read Hebrew, or can do so only great difficulty”, should take the Siddur Hebrew l course. (From Prayerbook Hebrew, The Easy Way.)

Cost: $25.00 to those who are not members of Ahavas Israel.

*Finances should never be an impediment to Jewish learning. If the registration fee for this program presents a financial barrier to your participation, please contact Rabbi Krishef.

Option 3 –

Siddur (Prayerbook) Hebrew lll: Grammar Boot Camp.

An Online Course with Joseph L. Korn

Eight Wednesdays: February 12, 19, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2

4:00-5:30 p.m. ET

REGISTER NOW – Joe can be reached at

Master the next level of Hebrew grammar, including the past tense of Qal verbs in eight live online sessions. We will continue to build on and add to critical grammatical concepts, necessary for reading Hebrew with understanding. We will continue to read passages from the Siddur which use our growing Hebrew repertoire as real life examples. Participants will have exercises which they are encouraged to complete for each class.

Required Book: Prayerbook Hebrew, The Easy Way, Anderson, Motzkin, Rubinstein, Wiseman; Third Edition

This course is one of four levels which will be offered.

Prerequisite: Completion of Siddur Hebrew l and Siddur Hebrew ll. If you have not completed these courses but believe you have the equivalent background, please schedule a conversation with the instructor prior to registering.

Cost: $25.00 to those who are not members of Ahavas Israel.

*Finances should never be an impediment to Jewish learning. If the registration fee for this program presents a financial barrier to your participation, please contact Rabbi Krishef.

Option 4 –

Siddur (Prayerbook) Hebrew lV: Reading Seminar on Selected Siddur Passages.

An Online Course with Joseph L. Korn

Eight Sundays: February 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

4:00-5:30 p.m. ET

REGISTER NOW – Joe can be reached at

In eight live online sessions we will first finish learning the final forms in the Qal verb stem; the future tense, the reversing vav, the imperative form, and the infinitive. The rest of the sessions will be dedicated to a scholarly reading of major portions in the Siddur, such as The Kaddish, The Shema, The Amidah, Morning Blessings, songs and other portions which participants may request. Emphasis will be placed on locating within the passages the vocabulary and parts of grammar which we have learned as an exercise in recognizing them and thus deepening our understanding of the writer’s original intentions, and so enhancing our participation in prayer services.

Required Book: Prayerbook Hebrew, The Easy Way, Anderson, Motzkin, Rubinstein, Wiseman; Third Edition

Prerequisite: Completion of Siddur Hebrew l, ll, and lll. If you have not taken these courses but believe you have the equivalent background, please schedule a conversation with the instructor prior to enrollment.

Cost: $25.00 to those who are not members of Ahavas Israel.

*Finances should never be an impediment to Jewish learning. If the registration fee for this program presents a financial barrier to your participation, please contact Rabbi Krishef.