The Festival of Shavuot

Tuesday night, June 11, 6:15 p.m. at Congregation Ahavas Israel
Celebrate with a Dairy Dinner and a variety of learning opportunities

Please join Ahavas Israel and Temple Emanuel as we come together for dinner (lasagna and salad, with a vegan option), and a Tikkun Leil Shavuot series of study sessions let by Rabbi Krishef, Rabbi Schadick, and Cantor Fair. Have something you’d like to teach later in the evening? Let Rabbi Krishef know, or 616-949-2840.

There is no charge for the dinner, but Rabbi Krishef will be preparing dinner and would appreciate your RSVP to or by phone, 616-949-2840 or email, by Sunday, June 9. He could also use some help cooking during the day on Tuesday, June 11. Let him know if you can help.

Teaching sessions:

Sacred Contemplation – a Jewish version of Lectio Divina (Divine reading): Finding Revelation in the the Written Word
How do we handle our tradition of words in prayer and study? There are so many! How do we best respond to prayer? Rabbi Krishef will share some of his techniques for finding God in contemplative prayer and reading of sacred literature.

The Music and Lived Experiences of Jewish Black Americans:
Cantor Fair will lead us in learning about the origins of a group known as “Israelites” or “Hebrews.” These people (many of whom controversially call themselves “Jews”) derive from formerly enslaved Black Americans and still have many congregations through the US and even in southern Israel. We will explore modern day mainstream Jewish Black musicians, such as Nissim Black and Joshua Nelson,  and join the Cantor in learning about and singing several Black spirituals.

Rabbi Schadick will teach a session entitled “Jewish Community: What is our Obligation?”


  • 6:15 – Dinner
  • 7:00 – Study sessions, led by Rabbi Schadick, Cantor Fair, and Rabbi Krishef
  • 9:00 – dessert break
  • 9:30 – Additional study sessions, for those who wish to stay.
  • Shavuot Yom Tov services – Wednesday and Thursday, June 12 and 13, 9:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday features the Torah reading, “The 10 Commandments”
  • The Thursday service includes the Yizkor Memorial service.