An Insider’s Perspective on the War in Israel – Shabbat, May 25, 2024

Special Shabbat Speaker – Uri Goldflam

Uri will speak during the morning service, which begins at 9:30. He’ll speak around 11:00. Service ends around 11:45. You are welcome to come for any portion of the service. Kiddush following, underwritten by Hal and Amy Ostrow.

Uri will offer an educational perspective on Israel, providing knowledge and tools that foster informed discourse. In a time when misinformation seems pervasive across academic, political, media, and social platforms, he will delve into the current situation in Israel and Gaza. The discussion will highlight historical, religious, cultural, and geographical contexts, as well as their profound impact on geopolitical dynamics and the rise of antisemitism.

Uri is a veteran of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and former paratrooper and an expert on the geography, history, and the ancient religions that transect the Holy Land. Born in Jerusalem, Goldflam was raised in the United States and Israel. He earned his undergraduate degree in International Relations and Judaic Studies, as well as a master’s degree in Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

More information about Uri – click here.