Tanakh – Torah (1) – Genesis

Question:  I am working on a project and I need to find life lessons in the Torah that are not actually stated directly, like “you are what you eat,” for example, which comes from the Kashrut Laws.  Can you tell me some of these values or point me in a direction where I can find … Read more

Tanakh – General

Question:  Is there any where I can find out who or how many people/person specifically wrote the Torah?  Can the scrolls be verified? and Where were they found. I would like a name and date if possible?   I am a student of theology.  I searched endless for this.  The only information I have ascertained … Read more


Question: Is it true that the Talmud says “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl”?–Gad. Shas 2:2.  I also found the it says that a Jew may violate a gentile girl of 3 years—Avodah Zarah 37a.  This all sounds like supremacy to me. Answer: The quotation “A Jew may violate but not … Read more


Question:  Are women allowed to do everything as a man can do?  What are their restrictions? Answer: I assume that your question refers to the role of women in Jewish life and you are not asking if a woman can throw a 90 mph fastball! From my perspective as a Conservative Rabbi, women have equal … Read more


Question:  Why are only 2 candles lit for Shabbat and can more be lit? Answer:  The minimum number of candles is two, representing the two times that the fourth commandment is cited in the Torah — “Remember/zakhor the Sabbath day” (Exodus 20:8) and “Observe/shamor the Sabbath day” (Deuteronomy 5:12).  However, there is a lovely custom … Read more


Question:  Is masturbation a sin?  What about pornography? Answer: Regarding masturbation, although in traditional halacha, it is forbidden on the basis of hashkhatat zera, destroying sperm, in my opinion this reason is not compelling, and masturbation is permitted.  The traditional basis to forbid it has been the story in Genesis chapter 38 of Judah’s son … Read more

Ritual Objects

Question:  Where can I find rules for wearing a Tallis and a Yarmulcah, also where can I find where the four levels of charity are described? Answer: A Kippah is traditionally worn during prayer and study.  There are no special rules for how to wear one. A Tallit is worn at every morning service.  To … Read more


Prayer – General Question: I was wondering if women have to say daily prayers and which ones they have to say if they do. I would also like to know that if they do have to say certain prayers; at what age do they begin? I am asking because I am 13 but not really … Read more


Question:  The Ten Commandments came up in a conversation I was having with a friend. She said that in Judaism there are actually over 600 commandments. Is she correct? If so I’d appreciate your commenting on the actual number, the origin of those other than the Ten we usually refer to, as well as their … Read more

Life Cycle 7 – Illness, Death, and Mourning

Question:  When a family member is seriously ill there is a change in the Hebrew name. Can you please explain this procedure and Barukh Hashem when the person recovers does the name remain or does the individual go back to the original name. Thank you. Answer: The tradition of changing the name of a seriously … Read more