New Siddurim

The Sim Shalom siddurim that we have been using in the Sanctuary have served us well for about 40 years. About 12 years ago, we transitioned in the chapel to newer and lighter editions of Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals and Sim Shalom for Weekdays. We’ve been able to acquire 150 additional used copies in very good condition at no cost other than shipping from a congregation transitioning to a newer Siddur. It makes sense, therefore, to retire the old Sim Shalom siddurim and use the same newer siddur both in the chapel and in the sanctuary.

The new books have bookplates from the congregation we acquired them from, but we’ll be replacing them with bookplates of our own. You may dedicate a book (or books) in honor or in memory of someone for $18 by sending a check or Venmo  to Congregation Ahavas Israel. Please fill out the information below and send it with your check. If you pay by Venmo, please include the dedication information in the comment field.

We are giving away the old siddurim. We’ve placed them on two book carts across from the office. We’re tried to place books with name plates containing family names of people still in the community on the cart in the foyer. Feel free to take as many books as you’d like, for yourself, and for your children and grandchildren or other family. The full Sim Shalom has resources and prayers for the home celebrations of Shabbat and holidays well as prayers for weekday, Shabbat, and Festival services.

Name ___________________________________________________

I would like to dedicate _____  copies of Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals @ $18.00 each, for a total cost of _________.

____ copy(ies) in memory of______________________________

Acknowledgment sent to __________________________

____ copy(ies) in honor of_________________________________

Acknowledgement sent to __________________________