Download the Mishloah Manot order form here.
Ahavas Israel is happy to provide you with a unique opportunity to fulfill two mitzvot of Purim this year – the giving of tzedekah and Mishloach Manot (Shalach Manot, or the sending of packages of food to friends.) You can honor your Jewish friends and support our synagogue while following this wonderful tradition. For thousands of years, our people have rejoiced in their deliverance from Haman by sending gifts of special foods to their friends and relatives. A package generally consists of Hamantashen, fruit and/or nuts, and candies. The Mitzvah is in sending to at least two people, but you are welcome to send as many as you please.
How Can I Participate?
On the attached list, please circle the names of Ahavas Israel families to whom you would like to send Mishloach Manot. The circled families will receive one package with a card listing the names of all the families who wished to send the package. Your cost is $10 for the first package and $2.00 for each additional name that you circle on the list. For example if you select 10 names your total cost would be $28 (1@ $10 plus 9@$2). If you prefer, you can send a package to all congregants who are participating for $118. Checks only please. Questions? Contact JAN at 616-446-7573.
Can I Send to Non-congregants?
You may send packages to non-congregational families within the Grand Rapids area, and Ahavas Israel will see that your packages are delivered at no extra cost. The cost to you per package will vary, depending on how many Ahavas Israel members elect to send to the same non-congregational household. Maximum cost will be $10 if you are the only family sending, $5 if two or more families send to the same recipient. On a blank paper, please write the NAME, COMPLete DELIVERY ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER of the non-congregational families you wish to send packages to. Be sure to include your name and phone number at the top of the page. Do not send money for these packages when you place your order unless you are certain you will be the only one to send to them, or you know of another family who will be sending. Since your final cost depends on the number of families sending to each household, we can bill you after Purim for this portion of your order. For record keeping purposes, each sending family should send in their list separately. Please note that if you indicate you wish to send to “all participants” it does not include non-congregational members.
Can I Send Packages Out of Town?
We do not provide shipping services. An asterisk (*) next to a congregant’s name on the list indicates that the member lives outside the delivery area and they will receive a card only. Members temporarily out of the delivery area will also receive a card only. You must arrange for delivery of all other out of town packages. Enclose the order form, the list of circled names (and your extra page if you are sending to non-congregants) and a check, made out to Ahavas Israel, and send to Jan Lewis, 1244 Camille Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL TO OR DROP OFF AT THE SYNAGOGUE.
PLEASE NOTE that orders must be received no LATER THAN Feb. 28, 2025. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. If you are prone to procrastination, don’t put this form down…. fill it out now and mail it! Checks will not be cashed until after March 14, 2025.
How Can I Help Out?
Our committee needs volunteers to wrap and deliver packages, If you can help please indicate this on the order form and our committee will contact you.
Download the Mishloah Manot order form here.