From the Rabbi

Rabbi Krishef has dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Judaism and offering guidance to those in need. Through his years of study and experience, he has gained a wealth of knowledge and wisdom on a variety of topics related to the Jewish faith and culture.

On this page, you will find a collection of writings by the Rabbi on a range of subjects, including but not limited to:

  • The importance of prayer and meditation in the Jewish tradition
  • Understanding the Torah and its teachings
  • Insights into the Jewish holiday celebrations and customs
  • Reflections on the role of the Jewish community in today’s world

Each writing is carefully crafted to offer meaningful and insightful perspectives on the topic at hand. Whether you’re looking to deepen your own understanding of the Jewish faith or simply interested in learning more, these writings are sure to enlighten and inspire.

Divre Harav, Words from the Rabbi – Rabbi Krishef’s bulletin articles and blog (external site)

  • by Rabbi David Krishef
    Beginning mid-June, I will be taking six weeks of Sabbatical time. It has been about four years since my last Sabbatical. My pattern has been to take three months of Sabbatical every five years, but I am hoping to split … Continue reading →
  • by Rabbi David Krishef
    May 14 will be 220 days since the unprovoked attack and horrific massacre of Israeli civilians, men, women, and children, in the area around Gaza. As I am preparing this article in early April, there are still 134 hostages being … Continue reading →
  • by Rabbi David Krishef
    On Monday April 8, the path of a total solar eclipse will cross North America from Mexico, through Texas, up and across the central and eastern United States through Maine, and into Canada through Newfoundland and Labrador. The path of … Continue reading →
  • by Rabbi David Krishef
    In memory of Dale Krishef, Devorah bat Yoel u’Feigel. Most of us will sit shiva for two major losses during out lifetime, that of our parents; and some will also have occasion to mourn the significant losses of spouses, siblings, … Continue reading →
  • by Rabbi David Krishef
    There is something majestic about the architecture of a large sanctuary that draws one’s attention upwards towards God’s presence. A room full of people absorbs and mutes some of the sound, but the acoustics of a well designed sanctuary amplify … Continue reading →
  • by Rabbi David Krishef
    An interview with Fred Stella, host of WGVU’s “Common Threads,” about my book, Reflections on the Psalms. The book is available on Amazon,

A collection of short responses to questions on various topics